At first, it was Djungle, without Studio, with the mission of innovating the Retail by revolutionizing customer engagement

Founded in 2017, Djungle has built over the years a series of assets that make it unique and valuable – experience, technology, a consolidated team. In 2021, it evolved into Djungle Studio – thanks to the acquisition by Planet Smart City – driven by the desire to create digital solutions for diverse user communities eager to be engaged and empowered.

In the beginning, there was Djungle, without Studio, with a clear mission: innovate the Retail sector

Born in 2017 Djungle has built in the last few years a number of assets that make it unique– expertise, technology and a consolidated team. In 2021 Djungle becomes Djungle Studio – as a result of the merge with Planet Smart City – and a shared goal: building digital solutions that engage and empower communities.

Creative. Digital. Thinkers.








Dj Camp Days

A team of unpredictable and lively individuals eager to experiment and do it “Djungle-style”.

We’ve found the mix of skills, experience, and personalities that make up the perfect recipe for creating valuable startups. A super team of service designers, developers, POs organized in squads and experts in finance, strategy, and marketing forming the cross-functional backbone supporting various projects.

But what holds everything together? A strong culture built on values and rituals! Daily stand-ups (with coffee), weekly inspiration and alignment sessions (D-day), and camps where all the animals gather in the same location to design, ideate, and have fun!

Our values

1 Warrior ardor

2 Beauty & love for details

3 Freedom

4 Learning from the future

5 Evolution