
The welfare app that addresses mobility comprehensively. Train, plane, ferry, ship, or simply a taxi – with PayWay you can go wherever you want.



Current stage


Value proposition

It is proposed as a solution for companies that want to offer benefits to their employees, increasing their economic satisfaction and taking advantage of the tax benefits of this type of provision.


Problem / need

In certain sectors, companies are required to provide welfare for the amount stipulated by the National Collective Labor Agreement (CCNL), for which costs will be 100% deductible. A company can also voluntarily decide to provide contributions, also 100% deductible, or (subject to union agreement), the employee can choose to convert their performance bonus into welfare, with the advantage for the company of total exemption from INPS contributions (savings between 30% and 40%). On the other hand, the employee needs to travel to reach the office and/or clients, and these trips can impact up to 10% of the net monthly salary.





PayWay is the platform available to companies that allows for easy management of mobility welfare. Once the threshold and the issuance of the mobility ticket are defined, the company will not have to manage any other aspect.



In the coming months, we will continue experimenting, focusing mainly on sustainable mobility, aiming to achieve agreements with small and medium-sized enterprises that will offer tickets to employees, allowing us to also work on creating a local ecosystem where the received benefit can be spent.



Companies with 3 to 499 employees offering mobility support, approximately 17.8% of companies within our target (a growing trend of +70% compared to 2022).


PayWay aims to become the leading vertical platform for corporate welfare services in mobility.

What’s next

We will work on creating a platform where companies can benefit from consultancy services to evaluate the savings from pursuing welfare activities and guide them in formalizing the amount provided to the employees. At the same time, we will form partnerships with MaaS (Mobility as a Service) providers and integrate third-party services.